I first imaged NGC 4449 in 2010 as part of one of my first collaborations with Dr. David Martinez Delgado. You can see my image from then in a post on my old blog with information about the scientific work on the “stellar tidal stream around NGC 4449” by clicking here (I recommend taking a look to the close up view (0.202"/pixel scale) of image taken by 8.2 meter Subaru telescope... Read more,
Deep Sky astrophotography from Fosca Nit Observatory (Àger, Montsec, Spain)
May 28, 2024
May 27, 2024
Dwarfs gobbling dwarfs: a stellar tidal stream around NGC 4449 (Copy of original December 2011 publication)
This is just a copy of the original 2011 post on my old blog about research led by Dr. David Martínez Delgado, for easier access from my upcoming post of a new image of NGC 4449... Read more,
Apr 23, 2024
NGC 4038 & NGC 4039: The Antennae Galaxies
NGC 4038 & NGC 4039, the Antennae Galaxies (also known as Caldwell 60 & 61 and Arp 244) are two large galaxies in the southern constellation of Corvus that are colliding.
These galaxies are known as Antennae Galaxies because of the two long tails of stars, gas and dust that they eject as a result of their collision... Read more,
Mar 22, 2024
M 63 the Sunflower Galaxy
M63 (NGC 5055) also known as the Sunflower Galaxy, was first discovered by Pierre Mechain in 1779. The galaxy was later incorporated with the number 63 in the famous catalogue of the French astronomer Charles Messier, published in 1789... Read more,
Feb 23, 2024
NGC 2633, NGC 2634 and IFN
This is a wide field image of an interesting region in the constellation Camelopardalis with many galaxies and some Integrated Flux nebula (IFN).
The image is a pure RGB combination with almost 48 hours of accumulated exposure... Read more,
Apr 19, 2023
M97 the Owl Nebula and M108 the Snowboard Galaxy
M97, the Owl nebula (also known as Messier 97 or NGC 3587) is a planetary nebula in the constellation Ursa Major.
It is one of the four planetary nebulae included in the Messier catalogue and was discovered in 1781 by the French astronomer Pierre Méchain... Read more (updated 25/04/2023)
Mar 22, 2023
Aug 26, 2022
M31 Andromeda Galaxy (2022)
When I first presented this image, back in 2010!, I wrote the following :
"...all this work has allowed me to learn really a lot both from the mistakes I made and from the experimentation with new processing techniques..." Read more (updated 24/09/22)
May 5, 2022
Apr 26, 2022
Leo Triplet (revisited)
The Leo Triplet (also known as the M66 Group) is a well-known and beautiful group of galaxies located in the constellation Leo, at a distance of approximately 35 million light years. It is formed by the spiral galaxies M65 and M66 and by NGC 3628...Read more
Apr 2, 2022
NGC 5907 and its stellar stream
NGC 5907 (also known as the Splinter Galaxy or Knife Edge Galaxy) is a spiral galaxy located about 50 million light-years from Earth in the northern constellation Draco. It is a member of the NGC 5866 group.
NGC5907 was long considered a prototype example of a relatively isolated warped spiral... Read more (updated 17/04/2022)
Jun 12, 2021
M101 in LHaRGB
This is the final version of the M101 image after incorporating Halpha data and reprocessing it from scratch.
The incorporation of Halpha data has been done according to the formulation indicated.... Read more
May 30, 2021
May 16, 2021
This image of M101 is the first taken with two cameras working simultaneously.
One camera, STL-1000M, on Takahashi TOA-150 @ f/7.3 for luminance data and the other, Canon 60Da, on Takahashi FSQ-106N @ f/5.0 for RGB data.
The main camera is the STL. It is controlled by CCDCommander and CCDSoft, with the main chip used for luminance acquisition and the secondary chip for guiding (and dithering). Read more
Apr 13, 2021
I am setting up a process to be able to shoot with two cameras simultaneously (with full synchronization between them): One camera on TOA-150 to take luminance and the other on FSQ-106N for color.
While I have solved the software aspects of the synchronized handling of the two cameras (thanks to AstroArt), continued confinements due to the pandemic have prevented me from finishing the hardware aspects. Read more
Aug 12, 2020
NGC3718, NGC372 & Hickson 56 revisited
While waiting to be able to resume my astrophotographic activity, I am reviewing old images.
I have reprocessed the image (taken in 2011) of this interesting Ursa Major galaxy cluster. Read more