Jan 10, 2023

Van den Bergh 152

Widefield image of a Cepheus region with special interest in Van den Bergh 152 (vdB 152, also known as Cederblad 201), the blue reflection nebula on the right-center and DeHt5 (PN G111.0+11.6) the planetary nebula on the bottom (a bit on the left), but including many other interesting objects: LBN538, B175, LBN528….. Read more.

Jan 2, 2023

Test of BlurXTerminator

I have tested BlurXTerminator with my image of NGC 2359.

I have chosen this one because last year I was very disappointed with the result I got when I processed it. In addition to the problem already mentioned about its very small rise above the horizon, the seeing ... Read more.