Jul 23, 2021

Talk at Agrupación Astronómica de Málaga "Sirio"

On 21 July 2021, I gave a talk to the friends of the Agrupación Astronómica de Málaga "Sirio" about the experiences gained during the process of Automation / Remotization / Robotization of my observatory:

Documentation (in Spanish):  PowerPoint of the presentation (pdf)    Video of the talk (1h20min)

El 21 de juliol 2021, vaig donar una xerrada amb els amics de la Agrupación Astronómica de Málaga "Sirio" sobre les experiències adquirides durant el procés d'Automatització / Remotizació / Robotizació del meu observatori.

El 21 de julio 2021, di una charla con los amigos de la Agrupación Astronómica de Málaga "Sirio" sobre las experiencias adquiridas durante el proceso de Automatización / Remotización / Robotización de mi observatorio.

Jun 12, 2021

M101 in LHaRGB

This is the final version of the M101 image after incorporating Halpha data and reprocessing it from scratch. 

The incorporation of Halpha data has been done according to the formulation indicated....  Read more 

May 30, 2021

NGC 5474

In the previous wide-field image of M101 numerous “small” galaxies can be found. One of the most interesting is NGC 5474.

NGC 5474 is a peculiar and rarely imaged dwarf galaxy located 21 million light-years away from us.  Read more 

May 16, 2021


This image of M101 is the first taken with two cameras working simultaneously. 

One camera, STL-1000M, on Takahashi TOA-150 @ f/7.3 for luminance data and the other, Canon 60Da, on Takahashi FSQ-106N @ f/5.0 for RGB data.

The main camera is the STL. It is controlled by CCDCommander and CCDSoft, with the main chip used for luminance acquisition and the secondary chip for guiding (and dithering).  Read more 

Apr 13, 2021


I am setting up a process to be able to shoot with two cameras simultaneously (with full synchronization between them): One camera on TOA-150 to take luminance and the other on FSQ-106N for color.

While I have solved the software aspects of the synchronized handling of the two cameras (thanks to AstroArt), continued confinements due to the pandemic have prevented me from finishing the hardware aspects. Read more

Dec 28, 2020

PK 164+31.1 Jones-Emberson 1

PK 164+31.1, also known as Jones-Emberson 1 and the Headphones Nebula is a faint, 14th magnitude, planetary nebula in the constellation of Lynx.

This nebula has a very low surface brightness which makes it a difficult, but at the same time attractive, target for astrophotography. Read more (updated 11/01/2021)

Nov 28, 2020

IC 410 and the "tadpoles"

IC410 is a faint emission nebula in the constellation Auriga. It is located approximately 10000 light-years away from the Earth and spans more than 100 light-years. The nebula surrounds NGC 1893, a young galactic star cluster, which is partially obscured by the dust. Read more